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    Monday 3 September 2007

    Catch-up (July): impartiality and the BBC

    The matter of impartiality at the BBC received further airing in July (distinct from the furore regarding trust and deception) in the guise, first of a reflective piece by John Lloyd in the Financial Times, and secondly with the news that a complaint against the alleged pro-EU bias of the Today programme was to be considered by the BBC Trust. This question received an important response earlier this year with the publication of the Bridcut report which had been commissioned by the BBC Trust.


    Andrew Scott said...

    Subsequently, in early September, the BBC announced the cancellation of a planned day-long event Planet Relief. The plan has suffered criticism from the BBC head of TV news, Peter Horrocks, and the Newsnight editor, Peter Barron, at the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival. It was feared that it would breach guidelines on maintaining impartiality - see:

    BBC drops climate change special

    Anonymous said...

    For further comment on this, see Peter Preston in the Guardian:

    Impartiality is a turn-off

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